Chandra Namaskar (2022-23)
After the trials and tribulations of the past year, the sadhaks were eager to meet in person, to connect with each other and with the energy of the moon. They longed to welcome the new year with open hearts and open minds, to greet it with all the love and positivity. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, 140 brave sadhaks gathered in a Sharnam Fortune, Race Course Road, Hari Nagar, Vadodara, ready to perform Chandra Namaskar once again. Some had traveled from far and wide to be there, while others had joined online from the comfort of their own homes., Praveen Meripelly joined online from the USA through Zoom.
As the clock struck 11:30 PM on 31st Dec 2022, 50 sadhaks at the venue and 90 sadhaks online, performed 42 Chandra Namaskars in 45 minutes, moving through the sequence of postures with grace and ease. They moved as one, their bodies and minds connected in a beautiful dance of energy and intention. Even though they were in a commercial complex, the space felt sacred and holy, filled with the energy of the moon and the spirit of the sadhaks.
The practice continued, each Chandra Namaskar bringing the sadhaks closer to their goal of inner peace and connection. As they moved through the final posture, they welcomed the new year 1st Jan 2023, with all the love and positivity they could muster, and would continue to do so for many years to come.