108 Surya Namaskars at Baobab Tree, Ganpatpura, Vadodara, india
Baobab tree, giant succulents primarily found in the African savannah, support entire ecosystems and can live for thousands of years. The tree is capable of storing large amounts of fresh water in its trunk, making it a lifesaver in times of water scarcity. Even in the driest years, baobab trees can produce highly nutritious fruit, earning them the name "tree of life." The fruits, leaves, bark, and seeds of the baobab tree have powerful health benefits and are traditionally used to treat illness, reduce fever, and stimulate the immune system. Additionally, the baobab seed oil is used in natural skin and hair care products. In addition to their health benefits, baobab trees also play a critical role in the ecosystem by moistening the soil, slowing soil erosion, and recycling vital nutrients.
108 SN Team organized a unique yoga event near the Baobab tree, believed to be one of the oldest in India, where 40 participants of various ages with the eldest with age of 76 years performed 108 Surya Namaskars in just 70 minutes. This event not only highlighted the physical strength and determination of the participants but also integrated yoga with arts, architecture, heritage, and culture. By conducting yoga at such significant places, the team aimed to celebrate the rich cultural and spiritual heritage of India and promote social engagement among the participants. The baobab tree served as a symbolic representation of the ecosystem and its importance, as it has done for centuries. The event was a grand success and helped foster a deeper appreciation for the local community and its traditions.