108 Surya Namaskars at Faculty Of Fine Arts, Vadodara, India
Fine arts refer to the creative arts, particularly visual art, whose products are intended primarily or solely for their imaginative, aesthetic, or intellectual content. The Faculty of Fine Arts was founded in June 1950 and introduced undergraduate and postgraduate programs, including Bachelor of Visual Arts/Diploma in Visual Arts, Master of Visual Arts/Post Diploma in Visual Arts, and Master of Fine Arts [Museology], as well as research facilities in various fields such as Applied Arts, Painting, Sculpture, Printmaking, Art History, and Aesthetics. The institution focused on individuality and the study of both Indian and Western traditions. Over its 70-year existence, the Faculty has gained a reputation for excellence in fine arts education and has produced world-renowned artists. Its faculty members have won numerous awards and scholarships, including the Padma Bhushan and Padma Shree Awards, as well as state, national, and international awards. Conducting research and offering courses in fine arts is its way of celebrating and promoting creativity and aesthetic appreciation.
The 108 SN team organized the Surya Namaskar event with 100 participants. The event aimed to create a sense of community through culture and art while promoting mental, social, and physical health through yoga. The team's primary objective was to help participants elevate their consciousness and awareness, taking their sense of self to a new level. The event was a perfect platform for individuals to connect, share their experiences, and learn from one another while experiencing the benefits of practicing yoga. The team hoped to create a lasting impact by encouraging the participants to continue practicing yoga, promoting mental and physical well-being, and strengthening their connection to the community through shared experiences.