108 Surya Namaskars at KamatiBaug, Vadodara, Gujarat,
A 144-year-old largest public garden called Kamati Baug is situated in Vadodara, Gujarat. It is surrounded by greenery, historical landmarks, and stunning architecture. King Sayajirao Gaikwad erected Kamati Baug, also referred to as Sayaji Baug, in 1879 as a gift to the people of Vadodara.
The 108 SN team organized 108 Surya Namaskar on December 3, 2022, in the lush surroundings of Kamati Baug. Over 60 participants took part in the event, performing 108 Surya Namaskars in 63 minutes from 6 am to 7:03 am. The venue's historical significance added to the experience of practicing Surya Namaskars in harmony with nature and paying tribute to the visionary's work. This event aimed to promote physical, mental, and social well-being among individuals and the community while also highlighting India's illustrious past. It was an opportunity to raise awareness of the benefits of this ancient practice and celebrate it in a beautiful natural setting.